Using a hearty bread like brioche, french bread, croissants, cut into cubes (bite size pieces) and dry over night or on a low heat in the oven.
Butter a 9 x 13 casserole dish. Place dried bread cubes into prepared casserole dish.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
To make the custard, in a large bowl whisk 6 eggs together. Slowly add in milk while continuing to whisk. Then whisk in sugar, cinnamon and vanilla extract. Pour custard over the dried bread crumbs in casserole dish. Press bread into liquid. Set a side for 5 minutes to finish absorbing excess custard.
Place in preheated oven for 1 hour until bread is set and golden brown. Test with a toothpick in the center. Should come out clean or with a crumb or two on toothpick.
Remove from oven and allow to rest 10 minutes while making the vanilla drizzle.